We’re partnered with Community Arts Projects (CAP) UK to exhibit the artwork of prison residents from various prisons across the UK. Whilst CAP UK has been running arts provisions in prisons since 2010, our partnership with CAP UK only began last year. But let it be known, the steady stream of artwork we have encountered since then has been exceptional and so diverse.

As you are hopefully acquainted with Redemption Roasters by now, you’ll know that we are on a mission to reduce reoffending through coffee. Our training, both inside and outside of prison, alongside other wellbeing and development support, helps our graduates to find sustainable employment and greater stability upon release from prison. Not only do we hope to provide our graduates with the necessary skills to enter meaningful employment, but we want to challenge prevailing attitudes and social stigma associated with prisoners and prison leavers.

Partnering with CAP UK then, is a perfect fit; neatly complementing our mission. CAP UK adopts a rehabilitative approach, using art to help prisoners with their personal development, providing an avenue for self-expression and exploration. It runs various art projects and workshops in several prisons, helping its students with their personal development, and many students are finding their voice and making improvements in their personal lives. Whilst other arts providers focus more on curriculum and securing qualifications, CAP UK places emphasis on user-led activities, so that individuals can play to their own strengths and work on something meaningful or enjoyable to them. Whether it be abstract painting or realism drawing, these students are encouraged to experiment with various art forms, acting as a powerful tool for expressing their life experiences and emotions which can often be difficult to communicate through words.

CAP UK also runs an interesting project titled ‘Therapy in Murals.’ Not only does this lead to the creation of visually captivating pieces of art on a large-scale, but these murals also fulfil therapeutic and educative functions. This non-clinical approach can help improve the wellbeing of the students involved in their creation, as well as helping students on their own paths of self-exploration. Prisoners can work together to create meaningful pieces of art, which helps to provide a sense of community. These murals can also be a powerful tool for educating students on various subjects; from inspirational individuals, to communication, English and Mathematics skills. We think that’s pretty cool.

By now you’re probably itching to actually see some of this artwork in real life. Lucky for you, not only does this artwork brighten up the walls of our HQ in King’s Cross, but you can find it showcased across our different coffee shops in London and enjoy it for yourself next time you pop in for a tasty coffee. Some of this artwork also features on our single origin coffee cards, really bringing them to life - so keep an eye out for these next time you’re shopping online or in person.

If you’re interested in finding out more about CAP UK, you can visit their website here.

Reducing reoffending through coffee.
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