JUNE 2008
The beginning
Ted and Max meet at St Andrew’s University when Max needs a skipper for a sailing trip. Ted steps away from his after-class side hustle selling medical watches on eBay to skipper the boat.
The beginning

JUNE 2008
Scroll to read the rundown on Redemption Roasters
JUNE 2008
Ted and Max meet at St Andrew’s University when Max needs a skipper for a sailing trip. Ted steps away from his after-class side hustle selling medical watches on eBay to skipper the boat.
JUNE 2008
JUNE 2013
Max swims against the current, swapping his job in the City for a career in coffee and co-founding Black Sheep Coffee.
JUNE 2013
JUNE 2015
All big things happen in June. Ted and Max join forces to launch Catimor Ltd, a wholesale coffee company. What’s with the name? It’s a niche variety of Arabica coffee.
JUNE 2015
Ted and Max get approached by the Ministry of Justice about setting up a roastery in a prison to train residents and reduce reoffending rates. Redemption Roasters is officially born.
APRIL 2017
Our very first barista graduate, Talib, joins our team from the training course at our roastery inside HMYOI Aylesbury.
APRIL 2017
APRIL 2017
Our roaster gets installed at our roastery inside HMYOI Aylesbury, and our very first barista graduate, Talib, joins our team at Lamb’s Conduit Street from the training course at Aylesbury.
APRIL 2017
JULY 2017
Our first shop opens its doors on Lamb’s Conduit Street, bringing the finest flat whites to the people of Bloomsbury. Little do they know we’re all working out of the basement beneath them.
JULY 2017
Our first dedicated barista academy launches inside HMP Springhill in collaboration with Milton Keynes College. Little do we know that just a few years later, across multiple prisons, hundreds of people will complete this course.
MARCH 2020
How do you move a roaster? Well, it turns out that you don’t. We relocate our roastery inside HMP The Mount and get acquainted with a bigger production space and our shiny new Loring roaster, which is now turning out several tonnes of expertly roasted coffee each month. Just in time for lockdown to hit.
MARCH 2020
MARCH 2022
Defying the odds from a two year pandemic, we open our coffee shop in Hampstead Heath in March, followed by St James’s Piccadilly in December. Plenty of pooches line the streets, celebrating our arrival by slurping down our legendary puppuccinos.
MARCH 2022
We're making strides in our impact: at the close of 2023, Redemption’s employed Participant’s reoffending rate sits at 4% compared to the national average of 42%. We hit a new milestone of 20% of all hospitality staff being Participants.
JULY 2024
We get the keys to two new sites, and launch our new and improved Nespresso compatible pods in three roasts, making it even easier to get your Redemption fix in London and beyond.
JULY 2024